
On the Gift of No...

Recently, I applied for an awesome opportunity. It was what you could call a dream come true. Swiftly, I moved through the interview process, and was joyfully astonished each time I was asked to move forward.  I was so honored that I was being considered out of what was undoubtedly a vast sea of well-qualified applicants. Cautiously hopeful, and full of anticipatory butterflies, I awaited the response....


Before the holidays, I pitched my first submission to a mainstream Christian website. I wrote a great devotional thought, including a passage of scripture that had significant impact on my Christian walk, and infused all my heart into words of encouragement at the end. As I poised my finger over the button to upload my document, nervousness flushed my face and neck. I was stepping out into the unknown, hoping that my humble offering would be acceptable...

Neither of these opportunities came to fruition in the manner I had hoped they would. However, I had been given something else - something that I almost missed out on because of my perspective. I call it, the "gift of no".


The "gift of no" may seem suspicious at first glance because you're probably wondering how being told no is a gift. No worries, I struggled with it too, until I took a step back and realized that while I was praying for peace and a more stable schedule, I was still signing up for things that may have stretched me to my limits.

The wisdom in praying for open doors should always be coupled with praying for closed ones as well. - ThePhDMamma

I'll be honest, saying no isn't my strong suite and hearing it is often downright painful. My natural bend is to find ways to make things happen, and when they don't, I often find myself a bit out of sorts (God's still working on me ya'll). 


God had to remind me that my prayer in both opportunities was, "Lord, Your will, not mine." His gentle words of encouragement helped me to take my personal feelings of rejection out of the equation. These closed doors were gifts. The gift of time to complete other large responsibilities in my life, as well as the gift of a glimpse of the good things He has in store.  That second gift? A friend gave me that insight during our Vision Board meeting. Once my perspective changed, my heart did also.  

Today, you may be facing disappointment that something you had hoped or even prayed would come to pass did not. You may even be in a season or prolonged period of time where there are countless closed doors everyhwere you turn.  Let me encourage you. The wisdom in praying for open doors should always be coupled with praying for closed ones as well. No is a gift. It's a gift that brings with it maturity and a focused sense of direction. Don't be afraid to hear it.


From my "Learning to Hear No Better" heart to Yours,
